Preventing Injury with Head Restraints

Munhall & Murysville, PA Auto Injury Care

Auto injuries are an expensive and painful problem around the world. Experts estimate that we spend over $30 billion per year in treating the pain and disability that can result from a rear-end crash. We see many of these cases each year come through our practice in Munhall & Murysville, PA.

Most people don't realize that many of these types of injuries can be prevented by properly adjusting your head restraint. Research done on live traffic shows that only about 10% of people have a head restraint that's set up to prevent injury from a rear-end crash. Our video below shows you how to adjust your head restraint to protect you and your family.

If you've already been injured in a crash, it's important to get treatment right away. The staff at Dr. Charles Tragesser Jr has helped many people recover from such injuries. Give us a call today at (412) 461-1442 to learn more or to make an appointment.


Freeman MD, et al. A review and methodologic critique of the literature refuting whiplash syndrome. Spine 1999; 24 (1): 86-96.

Prevent Injury, Adjust your Headrest. CAA South Central Ontario.

How to Adjust Your Head Restraint. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.